Today I have gone through the stupidest on
road experiences of my life. I was on my way to work and was driving in the
right lane when a public transport forcefully overtook me from right and made a
cut towards left. I think the bus driver didn't even notice the size of his bus
and also totally ignored the existence of my car.
The strangest on road experiences that made me learn many things
- Do not overtake a bus( because even if you can they won’t let you)
- Transport trucks always drive on the right side of the road ( and even if you try to overtake them from left they turn towards left)
- College
youngsters own the roads( they ride their
vehicles in a horizontal line like birds sitting on wires)
- Lovers are rich (because they don’t bother about petrol, they believe that slow and steady wins the race; and whoever is behind them gets late)
- Women drivers are dangerous, but men are far more worst than them (because they think women can’t drive well and eventually they forget their driving lessons and blame them)
- Always the small one is right, car hits two-wheeler, its car’s mistake. Two wheeler hits cycle, its two-wheeler’s mistake and so on...........
One day I was just standing near a traffic
signal post when the timer of the green light counted 10, 9, 8, 7….., but on
the other side of the road people were halfway down the square which made the
green signal way vehicles to stop just at the countdown ‘6’.
Also the senior citizens always say that “nowadays children drive their vehicle so
fast”.The person who said that was seen driving his car in high speed
after some weeks(probably must have lost
sense to judge his own actions, that’s aging!!!).
Anyways what matters the most is do not
swear on anyone on the road (because they
will swear back at you and maybe public humiliation will give you sleepless
nights). Morale of the story is either you follow traffic rules properly or
else you try to make adjustments with on road situation (which eventually you have to even if you follow the rules, people will
“make you”). If you don’t want to follow any of the suggested advises then
settle abroad and be among those morons who appreciate the traffic discipline
of other countries and do not take the initiative to follow the discipline in
their own country……